About Anasya Diandra

Hello folks, I hope you guys are doing well. I'm Anasya Diandra - Naya for short - and welcome to our beauty blog. Yes, I collaborate with my sister, Zhafira Azzahra, to run this blog which contains, well, mostly beauty stuff.

bananaydanay.blogspot.com is a beauty blog based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Through my posts, I aspire to provide reliable reviews about make up, skin care, as well as tips and tricks that I found helpful to you. Not only make up, I may sometimes write posts about personal life.

I am currently a second year medical student of the Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia who enjoy reading, swimming and ice skating during my leisure time. Follow me on instagram or add me on snapchat (@diandraanasya) to get to know me further :) See you!

p.s.: you can contact me at emailnayafira@gmail.com should you have any inquiries.


  1. halo :) suka banget loo sama review"nyaa.. btw mau nanya yang di instagram tamagotchi 4u nya beli dimana yaa?

    1. hai salam kenal kak :) aku belinya di tamagotchi store di harajuku, tapi aku pernah liat di ig ada yang jual, coba cari pake hashtag aja hehe
